Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

10 hewan yang mematikan didunia

1. Mosquito

In English, the mosquito is known as the "Mosquito", a word derived from the Spanish or Portuguese meaning little fly . The use of the word Mosquito started since the year 1583. In the United Kingdom the mosquito known as gnats .
In female mosquitoes, the mouth form a long proboscis to pierce the skin of mammals (or in some cases birds or even reptiles and amphibians to suck blood. Female mosquitoes require protein for egg formation and therefore mosquito diet consists of honey and fruit juice, which does not contain protein, most female mosquitoes suck blood necessary to obtain the required protein. different male mosquitoes female mosquitoes, the mouth parts not suitable for blood sucking. rather complicated female mosquitoes of the genus, Toxorhynchites , never suck blood. larvae of this mosquito is predatory mosquito larva others.
Mosquitoes are the cause of many deadly diseases. Dengue fever and malaria are examples of diseases caused by mosquitoes.
2. Kobra Asia

Naja naja or the Indian cobra is a venomous snake species in the Indian subcontinent child. This snake is one of the "big four" species of snakes that bite humans in India. This snake appears in the culture and mythology of India. Snakes are protected animals under the Protection Act Wild Life India (1972).
Indian cobra venom contains primarily post-synaptic neurotoxin and cardiotoxin strong. Toxins acting on neuronal synaptic cleft, thereby paralyzing muscles, and in the harsh bite cause respiratory failure or heart failure. Venom components include enzymes such as hyaluronidase that cause lysis and increase the spread of venom. Symptoms of envenomation can manifest between 15 minutes to 2 hours after the bite and can be fatal in one hour in the case of severe envenomation.
3. Box Jellyfish

The box jellyfish is the transparent light blue, bell or cube with 4 sides. Its speed to 4 knots. Jellyfish have sting cells (cnidocyte) containing a nematocyst in the tentacles. A capsule (nematocyst) the tool can (cnidoblast) consists of a trigger and stinging structure. When the victim's contact with the tentacle, hundreds of thousands of nematocyst issued. Nematocyst discharge pressure forcing rapid spread, paralyzing toxin.
There was no chance of surviving unless treated quickly can sting. Taste is very ill to anaphylactic shock and drown before reaching the beaches though not all work.People who are stung should be treated as victims of snake bite and was immediately taken to the hospital after first aid. Highly toxic sting can cause death.Predator is very toxic.
4. Great White Shark

Great white shark, scientific name Carcharodon carcharias, also known as great white, white pointer, white shark, or white death, is a large lamniform shark found in coastal waters around the surface of the ocean. Great white sharks are known for their size, with the largest individuals known to have approached or exceeded 6 meters (20 feet) in length and 2268 kilograms (5,000 lb) in weight. These sharks reach maturity at about 15 years and can have a life span of more than 30 years.
Great white shark is arguably the largest known in the world and still no macro predatory fish and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals. It is also known to prey on a variety of other marine animals including fish, pinnipeds, and seabirds. It is the only known living species of its genus, Carcharodon, and ranked first in the list of number of recorded attacks on humans. The IUCN treats the great white shark as the shark is easy to attack, and are included in Appendix II of CITES.
5. African Lion

Savannas is a vast grassland and populated by thousands of predators who mastered all the plains, they are African Lion.
African lions male and female must unite and be part of a group or called Pride (pride) to survive, because prey can only be hunting in packs. A member of the Lions can have up to 40 head and even more. Most members of the group are the females with his son and a few male lions.
African Lion is designed perfectly for fighting and hunting. They have big muscles and a powerful hind legs, allowing them to pounce on its prey with ease. They have powerful claws, large jaws and sharp teeth that enable them to quickly immobilize prey or opponent. Their tails create a balance while pursuing prey, they have a very sensitive sense of smell and a sharp eight-fold the human eye when they hunt at night.
6. Salt Water Crocodile

Bekatak estuarine crocodiles or crocodile ( Crocodylus porosus ) is a type of crocodile that mainly live in the rivers and in the sea near the mouth. Endemic area can be found in the waters of Indonesia. The muzzle of this species is quite wide and has no scales on the neck width. Medium body length including the tail can reach 12 feet as it had been found in Sangatta, East Kalimantan.
Estuarine crocodile is known as the largest crocodile in the world, much bigger than the Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus ) and the American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis ). Its spread was also "the largest" in the world; estuarine crocodiles have overseas territories ranging from the waters of the Bay of Bengal (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India) to the waters of Polynesia (Fiji Islands and Vanuatu). While they are a favorite habitat waters of Indonesia and Australia.
Estuarine crocodiles can jump out of the water to attack prey. Even when the water depth exceeds the length of the body, estuarine crocodiles can jump and vertical jump reaching a height equal to the length of his body. Estuarine crocodiles like brackish / salt, and therefore also the nation named Australiansaltwater crocodile (the saltwater crocodile). Besides the largest and longest, Muara Crocodile also known as a type of the world's crocodile.
7. Elephant

Elephants are one of the animals in Indonesia.Gajah are mammals and is the largest land animals in the world. Elephants live in a structured social order. Social life of the male and female are very different. Females spent most of his life in a family group consisting of mother, daughter, sister, and aunt. The group is led by the oldest female elephant and when a female elephant is pregnant, then 2-3 other female elephants will accompany the mother to an adult male elephant melahirkan.Sedangkan spent time in his own life (not groups).
With a super large size, who would hold ditindihnya? So, do not make the elephant mad yaa ..
8. Polar Bears

Polar Bear (UK: polar bear ) or a polar bear or its scientific name Ursus maritimusis a genus of large mammals in the form of biological family Ursidae . He belonged to the species contained Circumpolar around the northern continent of the earth, including the Arctic and the continent most carnivorous bear among other bear family. Polar bears are sometimes also classified as marine mammals.
Male polar bears weigh between 400-600 pounds and can sometimes reach over 800 kg with a height of over 2.5 meters. Meanwhile, the female polar bear only half of the weight of the male bear weighing between 200-300 kg and a height of about 2 meters. Polar bears have a very keen sense of smell. they can smell carcasses of whales or seals from a distance of 20 miles.
Polar bears are good swimmers can swim as far as 60 miles without stopping.They used to swim front legs and rear legs as a rudder. Oil glands to lubricate the skin so well that their feathers waterproof and make him stay dry during the swim.
Although the polar bears main food was fish and seals, but by the power of the bear claws are sharp and powerful punch from any front legs would not be able to budge if it is in terkamannya.
9. Cape buffalo

Cape Buffalo are commonly found in wildlife protected areas (which has a lot of water), the entire sub-Saharan Africa. The four sub-species of the African Buffalo has been recognized and essentially reflect the different types of regions and habitats they live in: Forest Buffalo (S. c. Nanus); West African Savanna Buffalo (S. c. Brachyceros); Central African Savanna Buffalo ( S. c. aequinoctialis), and Southern Savanna Buffalo (S. c. caffer). Forest buffalo are smaller than those found in the savanna.
In the more open grasslands, Cape buffalo appeared on the large farms that can number up to a thousand people. Remarkably, there were some clashes between members of the group, perhaps a large man with a strong curved horns they realized that they could seriously injure one another in a fight. Men will fight for dominance, but the brief battle.
10.Katak Dart

Dart frogs are considered one of the most poisonous animals on Earth. A single specimen measuring two inches (five centimeters) has enough venom to kill ten adults. Embera indigenous people of Colombia have used the extremely potent venom for centuries to tip their blowgun darts when hunting, hence the species name '.
This brightly colored amphibians are among the largest of the more than 100 species of dart poison frogs, an average of more than one inch (two and a half centimeters) in length. They live in a small patch of rain forest on the Pacific coast of Colombia. And even though the population in a small range is abundant, widespread reduction in rain forest has landed on the list of endangered species internationally.
Scientists believe this incredible resource toad poisoning, but it is possible they assimilate plant poisons, which are made by their prey. Poison dart frogs raised in captivity and isolated from insects in their native habitat never develop venom.Medical research community has been exploring the possibility of using toxic drugs gold poison dart frogs. They have developed a synthetic version of one of the toxic compounds are quite promising as a powerful painkiller.

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